Software development

Kubernetes for Business Leaders

This is an episodic video series that will explore Spring architectural patterns for cloud applications and how Tanzu enhances the experience with an optimized and integrated deployment platform. VMware Tanzu Mission Control is a hub for multi-cluster Kubernetes management and leverages Velero, an open source solution, for the backup and recovery of clusters across environments and clouds. Choosing Kubernetes distributions and other tools wisely, is essential for simplifying multi-cloud operations and ensuring success as your digital operations scale. Stakeholders are also increasingly willing to pay for support for critical tools, especially security and monitoring tools. The best place to retrieve container images to either use as a base for in-house development, or to run as-is, is from known and trusted public registries.

How can Kubernetes be useful for the business

Companies are using agile iterations and ceremonies to support/confirm/help change their customers’ needs to maximize added value, avoid tunnel effects and reduce technical debt by employing market best practices. Some applications may be dealing with so-called “peak traffic” or performance spikes . If Kubernetes finds out that the app and its containers are not able to handle the expected traffic , it will automatically launch clones of the containers and temporarily increase the performance. On the other hand, when traffic is low, “excess” containers will be destroyed.

Kubernetes Network Security

Let’s take a look at some of the aspects in which Kubernetes has eased the lives of developers and businesses alike. Kubernetes makes it very simple to deploy and operate swarms of containers for an application. It does so by creating an abstraction layer on the available hardware node clusters, enabling development teams to deploy their application with what is kubernetes ease. Containers help developers have greater control over their applications, as they help pack units of applications into reusable container images. These units can then be transported and multiplied to meet the business requirements. If you’re looking for an internal tooling solution to help manage your Kubernetes clusters, check out Airplane.

  • The success of today’s applications does not depend only on features, but also on the scalability of the application.
  • Traditionally, additional servers meant solely for this purpose need to be implemented.
  • And the solution is to adopt Kubernetes for your business, which has the added bonus of making your applications portable to any environment.
  • A program that runs on a computer is still “software,” invoking the term that NASA engineers originally coined during the Apollo era as a pun.

That might not seem sensible, because applications are often described as performing useful services. But architecturally speaking, a service is software that, given specified inputs and pointed to relevant data, produces a predictable set of outputs. An operating system on a computer, among other things, makes it feasible for a program to be executed by its processor safely and as expected. Kubernetes fulfills that role for multiple workloads simultaneously, that are distributed among a plurality of servers in a cluster. Artificial intelligence comprises the upper class of software, mainly because of its relatively high cost in memory, storage, and other resources. Public cloud data centers are massive, “hyperscale” facilities that service tens of thousands of tenants simultaneously, oftentimes from distances several hundreds of miles away.

“But does it scale?”

Co-located applications are hosted using Kubernetes’ Pod primitive. This allows nodes to house multiple types of containers inside them, allowing these containers to communicate and share resources securely. The presence of so many productivity-increasing features helps businesses build and scale applications faster.

How can Kubernetes be useful for the business

Instead of packing its own operating system , containers run on a shared OS. Where a containerized application takes up mere megabytes, the same application on a VM can reach several gigabytes. This makes Kubernetes containers faster and allows porting them to any environment. The role of Kubernetes in all this is to group containers into logical units, take care of deployment, and simplify management and cost-efficiency of these units. Ultimately, you can pack and ship applications inside containers with Docker and deploy and scale them with Kubernetes.

Recently I had a requirement in PHP to read and write an excel file.

Virtual machines are servers abstracted from the actual computer hardware, enabling you to run multiple VMs on one physical server or a single VM that spans more than one physical server. Each VM runs its own OS instance, and you can isolate each application in its own VM, reducing the chance that applications running on the same underlying physical hardware will impact each other. VMs make better use of resources and are much easier and more cost-effective to scale than traditional infrastructure. And, they’re disposable — when you no longer need to run the application, you take down the VM. However, Kubernetes is not monolithic, and these default solutions are optional and pluggable. Kubernetes provides the building blocks for building developer platforms, but preserves user choice and flexibility where it is important.

How can Kubernetes be useful for the business

Adopting containerisation and Kubernetes as a stand-alone goal is the wrong way to look at it, instead the implementation should support your business, operational and strategic goals. In this blog post we will try to translate the idea behind container technology and the main features of Kubernetes into business value. Next, the model is deployed into a real-world production scenario, likely integrating with intelligent applications that make calls to the model for predictions in real time. Glimpse uses Kubernetes with cloud-based services such as Kube Prometheus Stack, Tiller, and EFK Stack to organize cluster monitoring.

Who should read this document?

In the same study, 70% of developers and developer executives relied on container orchestration platforms, like Kubernetes, to manage their containerized environments. Kubernetes was the reported platform of choice for 31% of backend developers surveyed by SlashData in 2021 (4% more than a year before). Containers, DevOps, and container management are at the forefront of most discussions concerning technology. As a result, developers are thinking about tools and services that make it easier to run applications in containers.

Kubernetes can operate your system in containers in the manner that you require. It’s adaptable to the point that you’ll be able to make it do whatever you want. However, being comfortable with and competent to specify Kubernetes manifests requires time and practice. When you do, though, you are able to tell Kubernetes what state your containerized system should be in. If your system does not stay in that state, it will get you there and correct it.

Migrating volumes to CSI in well-established Kubernetes clusters

All you need to do is define your hardware capacity and individual container requirements, and Kubernetes will make intelligent use of the resources to fit the conditions well. Excited about the opportunity of cloud native and Kubernetes benefits, but not sure how to navigate your organization to the path to success? Whether you’re using Kubernetes in the cloud or behind the firewall your team needs battle-tested architectures, workflows and skills to operate Kubernetes reliably. Our QuickStart program is a comprehensive package to design, build and operate Kubernetes in production using the GitOps methodology. And there are many native third-party solutions for everything from monitoring to logging, cost management, load testing, and security. Kubernetes has a passionate group of engineers investing their time in building both open-source and third-party tools.

Best practices support to be implemented within the development teams (smallest possible images/choice of base image/use latest available versions/hardening, etc.). Our clients work on implementing agile organizations adapted to their environment and their required business needs to achieve this. General digital transformation plans support these organizations and can apply to multiple entities and business lines.

IT cost optimization

A program that runs on a computer is still “software,” invoking the term that NASA engineers originally coined during the Apollo era as a pun. And an application is still a program designed to be operated by multiple users and referred to by name. Before taking a closer look at the opportunities offered by the Kubernetes solution, it is a good idea to clarify what containers are, together with the technologies for their orchestration. The challenge for IT departments is to capitalize on their teams’ initiatives with varying degrees of maturity and sometimes conflicting feedback. This allows teams to focus on creating added value (code quality, technical debt, automation, infrastructure as code, etc.).